Sunday, October 24, 2010

The whats...

Well, I have decided to start a personal cooking challenge. I realized that most of what I know how to make is pretty basic and that when I watch my favorite cooking shows, read magazines like Food and Wine and shuffle through my cookbooks I only know a quarter of what they are talking about. Booooo I say. And so, in order to familiarize myself with different foods, techniques and cooking styles I have decided to do a one year challenge.

I will begin by picking a new country or area of the world each month and learning as much as I can about that country's culinary greatness. I will then choose 4 recipes to try. My husband will be my official taste tester and I vow to try anything that doesn't have mushrooms in it (due to an allergy). I will post pictures and information about what I have learned as well as the recipe I have tried; for those who are adventurous enough to try them with me. I will also choose one that I love and find a wonderful wine pairing.

Those are the basics so far. I am quite new to blogging so be patient with me. Hope to see you back when the challnge begins on November 1st, 2010. I will announce the country and first recipe on the 1st of each month.

*For those of you reading who know me personally, please refrain from adding any personal details about me in comments; such as where we live and any other identifying details. Thanks. :oD